Submit your Infographic

The cost of submitting your infographic is $50

How can you submit your infographic?

1. Fill up the form below and press submit.
2. We’ll review it. If we consider it appropriate for our readers, we’ll send you the Paypal details.
3. As soon as the payment is received your infographic will go live with the following:
– A mention with a link back to the original source
– Home page featured for 7 days as ‘Infographic of the Week’
– It will be shared on our social media channels

Infographic List has over 1,000 visits a day, more than 5,000 followers, Page Rank 4 and Domain Authority 35.

Submitting your infographic to Infographic List you will get great coverage for your infographic, referral traffic to your website, social media buzz and SEO benefit.

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